As it was a rainy start to the day on the 12/11/12 small numbers of birds have been sighted from the garden but as I only looked for about 20 minutes there could have been more birds sighted. On the 13/11/12 there was a few more sightings although it was overcast.
Flying over
- 30+ wood pigeons
- 20+ jackdaws
- 50+ gulls
- 30+ starlings
- 3 carrion crow
- 30+ strlings
- 2 male blackbirds
- 3 pied wagtials
- 1 great spotted wood pecker- flew from the tree on the 12th and the 13th
- 20+ redwing- several sightings on the 12th but lots heard flying over and a few seen on the 13th
- 1 meadow pipit- on the 12th
- 5 fieldfare- flew over on the 12th
- 3 cormarants- flew very low over a nearby hedge on the 12th
- 5 ferel pigeons
- 2 carrion crows
- 20+ jackdaws
- 20+ starlings
- 3 wood pigeons
- 1 chaffinch
- 3 blue tits
- 4 great tits
- 1 wren
- 30+ starlings
- 10+ jackdaws
- 1 great spotted woodpecker- 1 flew out of the trees on the 12th and the same adult flew out from of the trees on the 13th aswell.
- 1 redwing- landed in the trees briefly for 3 minutes before flying off.
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