Tree sightings:
Female chaffinch
Brambling or chaffinch
Adult male blackbird
Female blackbird
Gold crest
1st winter male blackbird
Female chaffinch (Top) and male (Bottom)
Blue tit
Gold finch
- 30+ jackdaws
- 2 carrion crows
- 3 magpies
- 20+ chaffinches
- 6 green finches
- 15+ gold finches
- 30+ house sparrrows
- 2 dunnocks
- 1 robin
- 40+ starlings
- 20+ great tits
- 25+ blue tits
- 4 wood pigeons
- 2 collard doves
- 30+ Redwings
- 12+ Blackbirds- 4 adult males, 1 adult females and 7 1st winter males which was a small amount as lots flew in and out of the trees.
- 1 Gold crests
- 1 Blackcap- female
- 20+ ferel pigeons
- 10 wood pigeons
- 3 collard doves
- 1 house sparrow
- 2 male blackbirds
- 30+ jackdaws
- 1 carrion crow
- 30+ starlings
5 of the 8 mallard ducks
lesser black backed gull
- 30+ starlings
- 30+ jackdaws
- 10 carrion crows
- 10 rooks
- A few house sparrows
- The green finches from the trees and more
- 20+ gold finches
- A few chafinches
- 2 pied wagtials
- 1 lesser black backed gull
- 50+ common gulls
- A few herring gulls
- 15+ black headed gulls
- 40+ redwing
- 20+ fieldfares
- 3 cormarants
- 8 mallard ducks
- 40+ LAPWINGS were flying together in a big flock.
Wood pigeon
4 of the 6 wood pigeons together
House sparrow and a starling
The colours of a wood pigeon
A magpie (front) and jackdaw behind
Wood pigeons
- 1 robin
- 10+ jackdaws
- 1 magpie
- 4 starlings
- 1 collard dove
- 6 wood pigeon together- record
- 4 house sparrows
- 1 unidentified Butterfly species
- 1 Unidentified bee species
- Waxwings in several places in Hereford Gloucestershire and Glomorgan
- The Long billed dotwichers still at Slimbridge WWT
- The 1st winter Grey phalarope has been sighted again for its 3rd day
- A ring necked duck has been sighted at Chew Valley Lake (Somerset)
- The Yellow browed warbler has been heard and seen again at Oldbury Power Station
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