I got up at 8:15 and watched the migrants fly through before it started raining and the migration came to a halt before a few others flew over.
In the garden
- 7 jackdaws
- An adult male and an adult female blackbird
- 2 great tits
- A blue tit
- The two blackbirds
- Corvids
- Collard doves
- A chaffinch
- Corvids
- Feral pigeons
- 2 lesser black backed gulls
- 2 common gulls
- 5 black headed gulls
- Corvids
- Collard doves
- Wood pigeons
- 350+ gulls- mostly migrating common gulls mixed in with black headed gulls, herring gulls and lesser black backed gulls
- Wood pigeons
- Strangely quite a few collard doves which I didn't think migrated. This has been happening for a week and we've had roughly 20 flying over with only about 7 today.
- 4 cormorants
- A skylark- calling
- 12 pied wagtails
- 10 green finches- calling, making "jup" type call and weren't like the chaffinches.
- 6 chaffinches
- 5 meadow pipits
- 122 GOLD FINCHES- great count with numbers ranging from 1- 20+ all flying around the area.
- 7 FIELDFARES-flying over with the redwings (3,4)
- 1421+ REDWINGS- flying over with massive flocks ranging from 6-60+ with about 1000+ sighted before it rained in the hour and a half and only a few sightings when it was rainy.
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