Adult male BRAMBLING
Adult male chaffinch
Adult male blackbird
male chaffinch
The 3rd fieldfare in the berry bush
Adult female blackbird
1st winter male infront of the adult blackbird
Another adult male blackbird
Adult female blackbird
A female chaffinch with a strange blue beak
- 30+ redwing
- 1 fieldfare
- 15+ blackbirds- 2 adult females, 4 adult males, 2 1st winter males
- 2 robins
- 30+ starlings
- 30+ house sparrows
- 30+ jackdaws
- 1 magpie
- 2 collard doves
- 3 wood pigeons
- 2 carrion crows
- 2 dunnocks
- 10+ great tits
- 10+ blue tits
- 1 wren
- 5 gold finches
- 20+ chaffinches
- 2 coal tits have been sighted in several places in the town and they've been calling to each other everywhere
- 1 BRAMBLING first ever sighting for the trees.
- 40+ starlings
- 40+ jackdaws
- 3 rooks
- 3 carrion crows
- 1 green finch
- A few house sparrows
- 1 magpie
- A few chaffinches
- Redwing
- Some fieldfare
- 1 adult male blackbird
- The 2 coal tits flew from the tree calling
- 100+ wood pigeons
- 3 collard doves
- 50+ black headed gulls
- 1 lesser black backed gull
- A few herring gulls
- 30+ ferel pigeons
- 1 Stock dove
Male house sparrow
A starling behind the adult female blackbird
A different adult female blackbird
2 jackdaws
2 starlings
Adult male blackbird (left) with robin (right)
- 10 jackdaws
- 1 robin
- 2 different adult females and 1 adult male blackbird
- 8 starlings
- 2 house sparrows- 1 adult male and a female
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