Festival of Birds was today and tomorrow so went to see what was happening. Also, I went primarily for the birds as there were a few surprises which have been here for some time but always secretive.
Holden Tower- The birdwatchers "must go" hide
Little stint
Greenland white fronted goose (Darker individual with orange beak)
- Thousands of lapwing
- Thousands of golden plover
- Lots of dunlin
- 12 Shelducks
- Greylag geese
- 200+ European white fronted geese
- Meadow pipit
- 1 GREENLAND WHITE FRONTED GOOSE- Feeding and showing well with the European ones. Rare in Gloucestershire although Slimbridge WWT always gets a rare goose or two literally every winter. This year a Brent and the Greenland whitefront, last year the three Tundra bean geese. They sometimes get Pink footed geese. They've also had a Black Brant and Red breasted geese. I remember them having seven Snow geese of unknown origin and used to have annual Lesser white-fronted geese but none after 2002.
- 1 BRENT GOOSE- the injured adult which has been around since last July/August but I've not seen him before.
- 1 LITTLE STINT- Slimbridge WWT is one of the only places a small flock of little stints winter in Britain and in 2008 a Temminck's stint was seen with them too.
South Lake
Lesser black backed x Herring gull hybrid (Dark individual on land)
- 2 oystercatchers- first of the year
- 1 lesser black backed x herring gull hybrid
- A few lapwing
- 15 cormorants
- Lots of "heavy billed" gulls- herring gulls mostly
- Common and black headed en masse.
Pintail pair
- 2 Bewick swans
- 1 cormorant
- 20+ pochard
- 30+ pintail
- 30+ tufted ducks
- Mute swans
Tack Piece
- 2 GCP Common cranes prforming their courtship
- Greylag geese
- 40+ bewicks
- Pintail
- Pochard
- Tufted ducks
- 30+ black tailed godwits
- The lapwing
- The golden plover
- Several redshank
- The European white fronted geese.
Car park
- 50+ lapwing flew over
- Peregrine over
- 2 wader sp which looked like Snipe
- A small flock of unidentified finches